Plumbing Tips: Toilet & Bath

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Busting the Top 5 Plumbing Myths Once and for All

You've probably heard your fair share of Gainesville, FL plumbing advice over the years, but is there really any merit to what you have been told? Let's take a look at the top five plumbing myths and whether or not they have any merit. Busting the Top Five Plumbing...

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Water Heater Maintenance

Water Heater Maintenance

Nobody wants to deal with an old, cranky water heater. But not dealing with it can cause bigger problems -- like not having hot water when you really need it. It's actually easier to take care of your home's water heater than you probably realize. Here's what we...

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How to Use a Plunger: Sinks vs Toilets

How to Use a Plunger: Sinks vs Toilets

Most people have a plunger in their home and feel like using it is pretty straightforward. The fact is that a lot of people misuse their plunger out of habit and in the process, end up making a mess or making things worse. Have the Right Plunger on Hand You'll find...

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What You Can and Cannot Flush

What You Can and Cannot Flush

Toilet clogs are a huge annoyance and can lead to costly repairs. They are messy and can also damage your floors, pipes, and home furnishings. We’ve seen that a lot of the clogs that affect a toilet are from people flushing things that should not go down the drain. So...

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10 Toilet Problems You Will Regret Ignoring

10 Toilet Problems You Will Regret Ignoring

A properly functioning toilet is essential for you and your family. When something goes wrong with your toilet, it might be difficult to figure out what to do. Addressing these common problems with the help of J.W. Freeman Plumbing in Gainesville, Florida and...

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