Handy Plumbing Tips and Tricks

How to Prevent Your Faucet from Leaking

How to Prevent Your Faucet from Leaking

A leaky faucet can do more than just drive you crazy. Leaking faucets can waste hundreds of gallons of water if left unresolved. This can leave you with unnecessarily high utility bills, as well as mold or mildew in your home. The good news is that leaky faucets can be completely prevented! With the practical tips from this post, you’ll be ready to stop drips before they begin.

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Understanding Pipe Material Choices: PEX vs. Copper

Understanding Pipe Material Choices: PEX vs. Copper

In the world of indoor plumbing options, two materials are used more than any others: Copper piping and PEX piping. But which one is better for your situation? We’re going to look at these two common materials and weigh their pros and cons. That way, you can make the most informed decision about your piping needs.

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Home Renovation: What Plumbing Work Will You Need?

Home Renovation: What Plumbing Work Will You Need?

If you’re starting a home renovation project, you know that there are a million details you have to pay attention to. It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. That’s why we put together this handy guide. Today, we’ll take a look at all the plumbing details you need to keep track of during your renovations. This guide will help you simplify your process, and help make sure that you have got everything covered.

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Is It Time for a Repipe? Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Is It Time for a Repipe? Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Our team gets many calls from homeowners who are frustrated by recurring plumbing problems. Frequent leaks, issues with water pressure, discoloration – every time one problem is fixed, another pops up. If this sounds like you, you might be fighting an uphill battle. Pipes, like every component of your home, have a finite lifespan. After so many years, they simply become old and need to be replaced. But how do you know if your home needs a repipe? Here are the top five signs that you need a repipe.

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The Top Plumbing Trends for 2024 That Will Save You Money

The Top Plumbing Trends for 2024 That Will Save You Money

One of the best ways to save money on your utility bills is by staying up-to-date with the latest plumbing trends and techniques. As we look forward to 2024, we thought it would be the perfect time to share some of the latest trends in the industry to help you reduce your utility bills. We’ll look at the newest ways to reduce waste, cut costs, and prevent expensive damage.

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Constantly Running Toilet? 3 Causes And How To Fix Them

Constantly Running Toilet? 3 Causes And How To Fix Them

A constantly running toilet is one of the most common, toilet-related plumbing problems. In fact, it’s #1 on our list of 10 toilet problems you will regret ignoring. After all, a properly functioning toilet is critical for your family. Today, we’ll look at why toilets run, how to fix them, and why it’s so important that you fix them fast.

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Top 3 Plumbing Questions Answered

Top 3 Plumbing Questions Answered

When it comes to the plumbing in your home, the questions can feel endless. That’s why we’ve taken three of the top questions we hear and put together this quick rundown for you. Ready to learn the top 3 plumbing questions and how to solve them? Let’s dive in.

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How To Plumb Your Sink

How To Plumb Your Sink

From shutoff valves to P-traps, learn the name and function of the plumbing components under your sink. Learn what they look like, that they do, and what to watch out for.

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Beginners Guide To Plumbing Your Kitchen

Beginners Guide To Plumbing Your Kitchen

It can be a challenge to maintain the plumbing in your kitchen, but J.W, Freeman is here to help! We’ll teach you about the basic structure of the plumbing in your kitchen, then we’ll take a look at common problems and solutions that pop up in any kitchen.

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