Is It Time for a Repipe? Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Our team gets many calls from homeowners who are frustrated by recurring plumbing problems. Frequent leaks, issues with water pressure, discoloration – every time one problem is fixed, another pops up.

If this sounds like you, you might be fighting an uphill battle. Pipes, like every component of your home, have a finite lifespan. After so many years, they simply become old and need to be replaced.

But how do you know if your home needs a repipe? Here are the top five signs that you need a repipe.

#1 Frequent Leaks or Pipe Breaks

If your pipes frequently spring leaks, you may need a repipe. Look for leaks around joints as they are often prone to corrosion. 

Repiping will stop all leaks by addressing the source of the problem (the age of your pipes) and creating a safer, healthier environment. 

(If your pipes frequently leak from corrosion, you’ll want to read up on what to do in the event of the inevitable major pipe break.) 

#2 Corroded Pipes

Look for visible corrosion of your pipes wherever possible. No amount of corrosion is safe or normal. 

Corrosion happens from minerals deposited over years of use, weakening the walls and joints of your pipes. This can lead to obstructed water flow, leaks, water contamination, or even burst pipes. 

#3 Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is a pain. From showers to dishwashing, low water pressure interferes with your daily life. 

If you’ve already tried everything in our guide to fix low water pressure, you might have interior corrosion in your pipes. Mineral deposits have built up and altered the internal structure of your pipes so much that water can not flow easily through them anymore. 

A repipe will remove all of this corrosion at once and get your water pressure back to its normal levels again. 

#4 Rusty, Discolored Water

Corroded and weakened pipes allow contaminants, from minerals and rust to bacteria and other pathogens, to enter your water supply. 

That introduces health hazards, stains, and unpleasant odors into your home. While pathogens can enter your water lines without causing discoloration, other contaminants will make visible changes to your water. 

Look for rusty, brown, or yellow discolorations, as these are a sign of mineral and sediment contamination. 

#5 Unexplained High Water Bills

Sudden changes in your water bill can come from hidden leaks that drain away gallons of water each day. These leaks can be underground where they can go on undetected for years. 

That water loss adds up. A repipe will stop those hidden leaks and put money back in your pocket. 

The 50-Year Solution

If you feel like the plumbing problems in your home are endless, a repipe might be the answer you are looking for. Repiping is an essential investment that all homeowners must commit to at some point, but it is a solution that will prevent these problems for the next 50 years. 

At J.W. Freeman, we’ve been helping homeowners like you deal with aging pipes for 15 years. If you think a repipe might be the solution to your plumbing headaches, reach out today and one of our experts will answer any questions you have. 

Don’t wait, contact us today!

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We are a full-service Gainesville plumbing company specializing in remodels, repipes and plumbing repairs.

If you need plumbing service, J.W. Freeman is here to help. Get in touch with us today.

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