Top 3 Plumbing Questions Answered

When it comes to the plumbing in your home, the questions can feel endless. That’s why we’ve taken three of the top questions we hear and put together this quick rundown for you.

Ready to learn the top 3 plumbing questions and how to solve them?

Let’s dive in.

#1) Is it safe to use chemical drain cleaners?

We wanted to start with this one because we get this very often. In fact, the use of chemical drain cleaners is one of the top plumbing myths we encounter.

While chemical cleaners claim to dissolve clogs, the truth is that these harsh cleaners can do more harm than good. They corrode your pipes and plumbing fixtures, weakening your entire plumbing system.

That can lead to leaks, water damage, and very expensive repairs.

Our professional plumbers use specialized tools to clear drains without putting your pipes at risk. So skip the harsh chemicals and give us a call for safe, effective drain cleaning solutions!

#2) Why does my toilet keep running?

This is one of those sleeper problems that can lead to serious problems down the road. Not only can a constantly running toilet waste water and drive up your utilities bill, but it can also lead to serious water damage.

In fact, it’s serious enough that we wrote a whole blog post about it. You’ll want to check that out for the full rundown.

But for now, let’s take a look at the most likely cause of a running toilet. Chances are, the culprit is one of these three usual suspects:

  • The flapper chain has too much slack.
  • The float is set too high.
  • The flapper valve is leaking.

To learn more about stopping your constantly running toilet, check out our full guide.

#3) Why do I run out of hot water so quickly?

Running out of hot water before you finish your shower can be annoying, sure, but it can also be a sign of a more serious problem. Of course, you want to be sure that you are keeping up with your water heater maintenance routine, but sometimes other problems can arise.

Here are a few of the most common causes of a hot shower gone cold:

  • Using multiple hot water appliances at a time. Running a dishwasher and washing machine at the same time will deplete your hot water tank faster than it can reheat.
  • Sediment buildup inside the hot water tank takes up space that previously held your heated water. That means less hot water capacity and shorter hot showers.
  • A broken dip tube prevents cold water from entering the bottom of the tank properly. That throws off the heating dynamics inside your tank and leads to inefficient water heating.
  • Older tanks are simply less efficient than new ones. It might not be able to keep up with demand anymore. (A tank more than 10 years old may need replacing)
  • A faulty thermostat could be keeping the temperature too low.

Try adjusting the temperature setting first. If that doesn’t work, you may need to call a professional to check for evidence of a damaged dip line, sediment buildup, or simple wear-and-tear.

Have more plumbing questions you’d like answered?

We get it. When it comes to the plumbing in your home, there can be an endless supply of questions.
Luckily, we’ve got you covered. We’ve been happily answering our customer’s questions since 2008. If you’ve got a plumbing question that you’d like answered, don’t wait, contact us today!

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We are a full-service Gainesville plumbing company specializing in remodels, repipes and plumbing repairs.

If you need plumbing service, J.W. Freeman is here to help. Get in touch with us today.

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