How To Avoid Water Pressure Loss In Your Shower
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Solving problems with water pressure in your home

Losing water pressure in your shower can be annoying. Short disruptions in the water pressure because of flushed toilets are not as bad as chronic water pressure issues that make it more difficult to rinse off soap and shampoo. There are a few different ways to fix this issue, but the correct method will depend on the problem’s cause.

1. Problems with the pressure-balancing valve

Some showers have pressure-balancing valves that use a single handle for controlling the water flow and the temperature. These valves make it likelier for you to experience losses of pressure because of using other fixtures. An example of this occurs when flushing toilets causes the water pressure and temperature to drop in your shower.

Pressure-balancing valves mix cold and hot water at a specific level of pressure. When you flush a toilet, some of the cold water is diverted so that the toilet tank can refill. This causes the pressure in the cold water line to drop. The valve will then need to make some adjustments to the pressure drop, which can take several seconds. This means that the water can turn hot because the correct amount of cold water is not flowing into the valve. The valve adjusts the pressure in the hot water line, which causes the overall water pressure to drop.

A thermostatic mixing valve is another type of valve that can prevent water pressure drops. This valve has separate water pressure and temperature controls. A plumber at J.W. Freeman Plumbing can help you to upgrade your shower fixture to include a thermostatic mixing valve instead of a pressure-balancing valve.

2. Problems with the diverter valve

Many people have combination showers and bathtubs. If you have a combination unit, it probably uses a diverter valve. This is a knob that diverts water from the faucet of your bathtub to the showerhead. Over time, these valves can start malfunctioning, resulting in a drop in water pressure from the showerhead.

If you get good water pressure from the faucet of your bathtub but insufficient pressure from your showerhead, your diverter valve is likely the problem. A professional from J.W. Freeman Plumbing can diagnose this issue and repair it by replacing the diverter valve.

3. Problems with the water pressure reduction valve

If you have water pressure problems in every faucet in your home, the cause of the problem is near to the water source. Some homes have water pressure reduction valves attached to the main water lines near where they enter the homes. If this valve is not properly adjusted, breaks, or malfunctions, it can cause water pressure problems throughout your home. A plumber from J.W. Freeman Plumbing can repair this problem to restore good water pressure to your home.

4. Obstructed or broken pipes

If you have an obstructed or broken pipe that is causing your water pressure to drop, it is important to fix this problem immediately. Broken or obstructed pipes can cause water leaks that can seriously damage your home. If you hear sounds of water running when it is not turned on or notice water stains or drips, turn off your water supply and call J.W. Freeman Plumbing for emergency service.

5. Clogged showerhead

One of the easiest water-pressure problems to fix is a clogged showerhead. To check your shower head, unscrew it from the wall. Soak it in a cleaner and then use an old toothbrush to clear away the debris from the nozzles. If your area has problems with hard water, there might be deposits of minerals in your pipes. Over time, mineral deposits will cause your water pressure to drop. You can avoid this issue by installing a water softening system. Eventually, you will need to have the pipes replaced or professionally cleaned.

Get help from J.W. Freeman Plumbing

If you are experiencing problems with the water pressure in your shower or throughout your home, contact J.W. Freeman Plumbing in Gainesville, Florida by calling us at 352.316.3229. We can help to identify the cause of the problem and help to restore your water pressure.

J.W. Freeman Plumbing – Gainesville Shower Plumbing Help | 4637 NW 6th St | Gainesville, FL 32609 | (352) 316-3229

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